Thursday, May 6, 2010

In Her Eyes

Twi just made this AMAZING Bioshock 2 video. Check it out!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Today I asked Dr.Tenenbaum some questions. She talked about some of her childhood and when she first came to Rapture. Today I wrote about the important stuff.

When she was a child she was called names like wonder kid. Why: because she is pretty smart. When she was an adult she came to Rapture and when she meet Frank Fontanie she thought, "He was a evil man. Just cares about killing Andrew Ryan," she said, and now look--because of him Rapture is not the same.
Here is an dairy I found in the Medical Pavilion:

Love for Science

I was at German prison camp only of sixteen years old when I realize I have love for science. German doctor, he make experiment. Sometime, he make scientific error. I tell him of this error, and this make him angry. But then he asks, 'how can a child know such a thing?' I tell him, 'Sometimes, I just know.' He screams at me, 'Then why tell me?' 'Well,' I said, 'if you're going to do such things, at least you should do them properly.'

When she was in Rapture a worker was bitten by a sea slug. Dr.Tenenbaum did research on it. She found that the sea slug can survive off of adam. Then the little sisters were made. Since people want adam something need to procect the little sisters and they were called Big Daddys.

SPOILER: Please finish the Rapture Central Control Level First!!!

Jack was born in Rapture and Dr. Tenenbaum was there when he was born!